- Galp Energia, S.A., tax number 505060515, with the share capital of € 2.000.000,00 and registered office at Avenida da Índia, N. º 8, Alcântara 1349-065 Lisboa, hereinafter referred to as “Galp”,
and - Fundação Galp, a private foundation with public utility status, tax number 508838851, and registered office at Avenida da Índia, N. º 8, Alcântara 1349-065 Lisboa, hereinafter referred to as “Fundação Galp”.
and - Município de Matosinhos, tax number 501305912, and registered office at Avenida Dom Afonso Henriques, 4454-510 Matosinhos, hereinafter referred to as “Município de Matosinhos”.
Solely referred as “Promoter” and jointly referred as “Promoters”.
Beta-i Collaborative Innovation registered with the Commercial Registry Office under the sole company and tax number 514075228, with registered office at Edifício Atrium Saldanha Praça Duque de Saldanha, nº 1, 2º andar, 1050-094 Lisboa, Portugal, hereinafter referred to as “Beta-i.”
2.1. COLMEIA IN.STARTUP (hereinafter referred to as the “Contest”) is a startup acceleration program promoted by Galp, Fundação Galp and Município de Matosinhos organized by Beta-i in partnership with CATÓLICA LISBON’s Yunus Social Innovation Center. The Promoters come together for the launch of this open innovation competition, which intends to scout and leverage startups who are developing solutions that can improve and contribute to accelerating the Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization in the territory of Matosinhos.
2.2. The Contest aims to attract local, national, and international start-ups with innovative solutions in the proposed challenges on www.colmeiain.com to test their solutions in the territory of Matosinhos in the form of pilots:
- Sustainable and connected mobility
- Urban consolidation centers & smart routing to optimize deliveries and reduce congestion.
- Data-sharing platforms for optimizing energy, transport, and logistics networks.
- Affordable clean mobility solutions (e.g.: shared transit, micro-mobility).
- Renewable-Powered Ports & Logistics: Clean energy solutions for more sustainable port operations
- Smart and resilient energy
- Energy efficiency & renewable solutions for low-income homes.
- Platforms enabling residents to exchange surplus solar energy.
- Smart systems that monitor & optimize energy use in municipal buildings.
- Protecting local energy infrastructure from cyber threats.
- Community Energy Grids – Local renewable networks for shared and reliable power.
2.3. The applying startups shall submit their Project (hereinafter referred to as the “Project” or “Projects”) under the terms mentioned below.
2.4. With the submission of its’ Project to the Contest, each startup (hereinafter referred to as “applicant”) agrees and accepts the terms and conditions of this Regulation.
3.1. Startups interested in collaborating with the Promoters of the Contest can apply to the Contest, providing that they are national or international startups. A company will be considered a startup if it is in its first stages of operation and lacks adequate capital to move onto the next phase of business.
4.1. The period for submission of applications to the Contest starts on March 6th, 2025, and ends at 23 hours and 59 minutes on March 31th, 2025 (GMT). All applicants should submit by that date to the platform www.colmeiain.com all information and documentation required under paragraph 5, stated below, otherwise, they are not accepted.
4.2. The 10 best online applications will be chosen and have access to the 1st Phase “Acceleration Sprint”.
4.3. To select the best 3 startups, an online Pitch will take place. The 3 startups that present the fittest will be chosen as finalists and have access to the 2nd Phase of the “Acceleration Sprint”.
4.4. The selected startups commit to have at least one startup member attending all mandatory Contest events, with the understanding that failure to do so may result in their exclusion from the Contest.
5.1. The applicants should apply for the Contest at www.colmeiain.com and shall comply with the following:
- Registration of application to have access to additional information regarding the Contest.
- Fill out the application form with the requested information duly stated in the application form.
- Expressly accept the terms and conditions of the Contest foreseen in this Regulation.
By applying to COLMEIA IN.STARTUP Contest, the applicant is accepting the terms and conditions of this Regulation and the terms and conditions relating to the use of the platform mentioned above.
5.2. Applicants do not have to submit a developed Project (prototype or developed concept) at this phase. Still, they should provide enough information, data, or materials to ensure the most accurate evaluation, by the selection criteria defined below.
5.3. Given the international nature of the Contest, it will be necessary for all applications to be submitted in English or Portuguese. Applications submitted in another language will not be accepted.
6.1. The applications that (i) comply with the requirements set out in this Regulation, (ii) have not been eliminated at any phase of the Contest, and (iii) are selected, will be evaluated based on the following criteria, according to Annex I:
- Product Maturity (TRL);
- Alignment with program challenges;
- Adaptability to implement in Matosinhos;
- Innovation and differentiation; and
- Project social impact.
6.2. The Jury will select the top 3 projects based on the following criteria, according to Annex I:
- Pilot implementation plan and feasibility;
- Project scalability potential;
- Innovation and differentiation;
- Execution readiness and team capacity; and
- Project social impact.
6.3. The Jury will rank the top 3 projects based on the following criteria, according to Annex I:8u7
- Pilot implementation plan and feasibility;
- Business plan and strategic execution;
- Execution readiness and team capacity; and
- Project social impact.
7.1. It is guaranteed to the applicants of the Contest the following:
- Applicants maintain the copyright and industrial property rights of the projects. It is the applicant’s responsibility to protect these rights;
- The projects developed in the Contest may have access to communication promoted by Galp, if Galp intends to do so. Still, Galp will not have any rights over the commercialization of the Projects.
7.2. Each applicant represents and warrants that:
- The information and data provided in its application to this Contest are true, complete, and accurate, and it is a work created by itself, with creative nature, original, and it was not copied and/or prepared by another company (other than the applicant) and/or has not been developed in collaboration with other entities nor is the result of an order;
- The application and all documents and information submitted to it do not violate any rights of any third parties, including copyright and/or intellectual or industrial property rights, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations;
- The information and data made available by the applicant are not charged nor are the object of any promise of assignment, transfer, or encumbrance, were not disclosed to the public, nor were placed on the market in Portugal or abroad;
- The applicant will not copy or use any information, data, ideas, or projects to which he will have access or takes acknowledgement during the Contest;
- Assumes every obligation of any kind, arising from the potential provision of information that violates any of the previous clauses;
- All information exchanged between both parties (Promoters and applicants) during the Contest shall be confidential;
7.3. “Confidential Information” shall not include information that:
- at the date of disclosure is published or otherwise generally available or known to the public;
- after disclosure is published or becomes available to the public through no fault by either Party;
- is known by either of the Parties before one Party discloses it to the other Party under this Agreement;
- is disclosed to one of the Parties by a third party not bound by confidentiality obligations to any Party or third party. The burden is on the Party asserting the exception to prove that any of the exceptions mentioned above apply;
7.4. The applicants shall authorize the use of their image, voice, photo, and video collected on the platform and/or in events conducted under this Contest, to promote and disseminate the developed Projects, in any part of the world and by any channels. The applicants also authorize their disclosure and promotion by each Promoter of the Contest.
8.1. The Contest is organized in 5 phases: Applications, 1st Phase “Acceleration Sprint”, Online Pitch, 2nd Phase “Acceleration Sprint”, and Final, as detailed below:
This phase is open to all startups who intend to participate in the Contest, starting on March 6th, 2025, and ending at 23 hours and 59 minutes on March 31th, 2025 (GMT) and has the following steps:
- Applications: Applicants should log their registration on the platform, describing the project they want to submit to the Contest and providing the remaining requested information in the platform fields. The information provided by the applicants in this phase of the Contest remains confidential. It is only available to the members of the Contest organization and the Promoters.
- Selection: The Promoters will analyze the registered projects, verify that there are no constraints, and select up to 10 projects to pass to the next phase. The selected applicants will be notified by e-mail to continue developing the selected project. The remaining applicants will be notified that they did not go through to the next phase of this Contest.
1st Phase “Acceleration Sprint”
This phase is designed for the chosen projects at the end of the stage “Applications”. All the steps of this phase will use English as the official language for all communication, given the international nature of the Contest.
This phase has the following steps:
- Galp reverse pitch
- Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos ecosystem reverse pitch
- Collaboration Canvas workshop
- Galp and Município de Matosinhos stars projects
- Discovery meetings
- Mentoring
Online Pitch
The 10 chosen Applicants are expected to present a pitch proposal for a pilot project of their solution on the territory of Matosinhos.
They will pitch their project to a Jury, which will select the 3 finalists that will participate in the 2nd Phase “Acceleration Sprint” and Final.
2nd Phase “Acceleration Sprint”
This phase is designed for the 3 chosen projects at the end of the stage “Online Pitch”. All the steps of this phase will use English as the official language for all communication, given the international nature of the Contest.
This phase has the following steps:
- Pilot plan workshop
- Public speaking workshop
- Alumni talk
- Discovery meetings
- Mentoring
Physical event to announce the 3 winning Project placements and award the applicants. This will be determined by a Jury composed of members chosen by the Contest’s Promoters, after the pitch presentation of the chosen three startups.
9.1. The winning Projects selection is scheduled from starting on April 29th, 2025, and ending on May 22nd, 2025.
9.2. The Jury voting and decision will determine the selection of the 3 winners, according to the criteria established in point 6.2.
9.3. A physical event, the Final, will give the three winners an opportunity to pitch and respond to questions, which will be evaluated by the Jury.
9.4. The winners will be ranked according to the Jury decision and awarded money in the terms foreseen in clause 11.
10.1. The Panel of Judges of the Jury (the “Jury”) is composed of members chosen by the Contest’s Promoters.
10.2. The evaluations carried out in the distinct phases are binding, with no appeal against the decisions taken.
11.1. The Contest awards the following prizes for the 3-winning applicants in accordance with the criteria foreseen in this Regulation;
11.2. The Winners have the right to:
- The 3rd place: A monetary prize of €20.000 (twenty thousand euros) to invest in a pilot project in the territory of Matosinhos;
- The 2nd place: A monetary prize of €30.000 (thirty thousand euros) to invest in a pilot project in the territory of Matosinhos;
- The 1st place: A monetary prize of €50.000 (fifty thousand euros) to invest in a pilot project in the territory of Matosinhos.
11.3. By the sole decision of the Contest’s Promoters, following the Jury’s recommendation and in addition to the decision on the top 3-winning applicants, other applicants may receive extraordinary support under COLMEIA IN.STARTUP for the implementation of their projects in the Matosinhos area, if their merit and impact is recognized. This decision will be communicated and proposed to the projects in question after deliberation by the Promoters.
11.4. Fundação Galp will pay the monetary prizes, which are subject to taxes legally applicable, being the 3 or more winners responsible for the payment of any taxes, fees, charges, or contributions relating to the prizes received within this Contest.
11.5 The monetary prizes must be allocated exclusively to the development of the respective winning Project and must keep detailed accounting records.
11.6 Promoters may consult the records referred to in the previous paragraph, which must be provided within 15 working days. If there are irregularities in the use of the prize or if the applicants do not provide the records in time, the Promoters may demand their return, plus any legally applicable penalties.
12.1. The selected finalist Projects will always be notified by email.
12.2. The applicants who move on to the 1st Phase “Acceleration Sprint” of the Contest will be announced after the conclusion of the “Applications” phase, within a maximum period of 15 working days after the closing date for applications. The announcement will be made by email.
12.3. The applicants who move on to the 2nd Phase “Acceleration Sprint” of the Contest will be announced after the conclusion of the “Online Pitch” phase, on the same day. The announcement will be live, in the online meeting.
12.4. The Contest winner’s placement will be announced at the “Final” phase and subsequently published on the Contest’s webpage.
13.1. The following behaviors by the applicants will be a cause of disqualification from the Contest and/or non-assignment of prize or honorable mention:
- Non-compliance with any of the obligations established in this Regulation and/or in the platform, as the non-participation in events as foreseen in paragraph 8.1, (ii), and/or non-submission of Projects;
- Failure to comply with the requirements relating to the Project and data sets established in this Regulation, as well as the applicant’s non-compliance with any main issue of the Regulation considered as essential;
- Breach of any legal or regulatory provision applicable to it;
- Evidence of restrictive trade practices;
- Verification of any attempt to disrupt the regular operation of the Contest;
- The behavior of any applicant that, by its nature, is deemed to be unfair to the other applicants, including but not limited to tampering with the decisions’ procedure and/or the votes;
- Non-compliance with the decisions of the Jury and/or the Promoters of the Contest;
- The verification of impediments and/or conflicts of interest by the applicant;
- Radical change in design features of the Project as outlined in the Applications phase of the Contest COLMEIA IN.STARTUP, during the development phases;
- The establishment of trade agreements, sponsorship, or agreements of any other scope with any direct competitor of Galp for the duration of the Contest;
- Any other situation the Promoters of the Contest consider grounds for disqualification and/or non-assignment of the prize, including the non-compliance or falsity of the information provided in the application.
13.2. Without prejudice to the rights of the Promoters in each situation provided in the preceding paragraphs, in particular, the right to be compensated if the behavior described in previous sections occurs after the award of the monetary prize, the applicant must refund all the amounts unduly received from the Promoters, within a maximum of 8 working days from the date of notification of the causes herein referred.
14.1. The Promoters reserve the right to change or cancel this Contest, with grounded justification, at any time upon notice by e-mail to the registered applicants and by placing a notice on the platformwww.colmeiain.com.
14.2. This Contest may also be canceled in the event of major force if the applications submitted do not meet the minimum requirements of quality or creativity, if there is evidence of restrictive trade practices, and/or even if there are not sufficient applications to carry out the Contest;
14.3. The cancellation of the Contest in accordance with previous paragraphs does not entitle the applicants to any compensation for that.
15.1. The applications and documents submitted with them are not returned to the applicants.
15.2. It is up to the applicants to bear the costs of research, application preparation, development of projects, production costs, and all the administrative and other expenses related to the preparation and submission of the application(s), attendance in the events of the Contest.
15.3. Any clarification requests regarding this Contest should be sent to the Promoters using the email available on www.colmeiain.com. The Promoters will answer within a maximum of 5 working days in the same way.
15.4. The parties undertake to maintain secrecy regarding the content of all information to which they have access during the Contest, namely on sound data impacting intellectual property rights, even after the end of the Contest, except to the extent of the consent required for the execution of the initiative, its promotion and dissemination.
16.1. When the applicants make their registration and/or submit their applications to the platform, they become aware of and accept the terms and conditions provided in the Privacy Policy and the Contest Data Protection, available for consultation at any moment at www.colmeiain.com.
16.2. The applicants grant to the Promoters of the Contest the right to include in a Contest database the applications’ content and their data for 5 years, according to the previous consent as envisaged the Appendix III to the current Regulation;
16.3. As envisaged in Appendix I and consented against the signing of Appendix III, the applicants grant to the Promoters of the Contest the right to publish and use all the data regarding the content of their applications, which the applicants will publicly release during the “Final” phase and any other that may occur during this Contest, as well as their data, as long as it’s necessary for the Contest’s promotion;
16.4. Without prejudice to the previous numbers and as envisaged in “Privacy Policy and Data Protection”, the applicants may at any time exercise the envisaged rights that arise from the GDPR, including the right to access, rectify, be forgotten and data portability by written communication sent to the address of the entity responsible for the database:
[email protected];
16.5. The applicants expressly authorize the Promoters of the Contest to record and produce a Project show and the selected applications in the “Final” phase as well as any other that will be held in the context of this Contest, using the sound and images of the applicants, authorizing the use of the Project show by any Promoter on internal and external promotional activities;
16.6. Despite the security measures for Internet data reception of the platform, the Promoters warn that data circulating on the Internet are not fully protected against unauthorized access and eventual deviations, being the applicants of this Contest entire responsible for the communication of passwords, confidential codes, and any sensitive information;
16.7. Applicants should not assume any commitment concerning promotional or advertising activities nor participate in any public announcement about their participation in this Contest and/or in any related events without the Promoters consent in writing.
17.1. Each applicant will be responsible for protecting any potential copyright and industrial or intellectual property related to its application and documents related to it, for example, through trademark, patent, design, industrial design, or other registered before the competent authorities Therefore, the Promoters are not responsible for any costs arising from loss, damage, accidents, expenses, or any liabilities charged to applicants regarding any failure to adequately protect any copyright and/or industrial property related to the applications and arising from the participation in this Contest.
18.1. This Regulation is governed by Portuguese law;
18.2. Any doubt regarding the interpretation of the current agreement should be solved by the Jury;
18.3. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Promoters hold the right to change the current Regulation at any time, notifying the applicants of the changes made through the platform www.colmeiain.com.
18.4. Total or partial nullity of any clause of this Regulation does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions or the remaining part of the valid clause, nor the validity of the Regulation itself, and it should always, primarily, be reduced/converted.
Evaluation Criteria and Scoring System for Applications and Finalist Startups
To ensure a fair and structured evaluation aligned with the objectives of the Contest applications and finalist startups will be assessed in two distinct phases, each with specific criteria and weightings.
1. Phase 1: Selection of the Top 10 Applications
During this phase, applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria. Each criterion will be scored from 0 to 5, where:
0 – Does not meet the criterion at all
1 – Weak compliance
2 – Partial compliance with major gaps
3 – Meets the requirement but lacks differentiation
4 – Strong compliance with minor gaps
5 – Fully meets and exceeds expectations
Each criterion will have a specific weight, contributing to a final weighted score out of 100.
1.1 Evaluation Criteria and Weighting for Phase 1
Criterion | Description | Weight (%) |
Product Maturity (TRL) | Readiness level of the proposed solution, prioritizing tested concepts or prototypes over mere ideas. | 20% |
Alignment with Program Challenges | Degree to which the solution addresses the core challenges of energy efficiency, decarbonization, and sustainable mobility in Matosinhos. | 30% |
Adaptability for Implementation in Matosinhos | Feasibility of implementing the solution within the local infrastructure and regulatory environment. | 10% |
Innovation and Differentiation | Uniqueness of the solution compared to existing alternatives and its technological advancement. | 20% |
Project Social Impact | Potential to improve community well-being and sustainability. | 20% |
Final Weighted Score Calculation:
Final Score = ∑ (Criterion Score × Weight)
The 10 highest-scoring applications will be selected for the #Sprint 1 – Hive Discovery phase.
2. Phase 2: Online Pitch and Selection of the 3 Finalists
In this phase, the 10 selected startups will present an online pitch, allowing evaluators to assess their progress and potential more in-depth. The evaluation will now focus on execution, market viability, and the clarity of the proposed pilot in Matosinhos.
Each criterion will be scored from 0 to 5, using the same scale as in Phase 1, but with different weightings.
2.1 Evaluation Criteria and Weighting for the Online Pitch
Criterion | Description | Weight (%) |
Pilot Implementation Plan & Feasibility | Clarity and feasibility of the proposed pilot in Matosinhos. | 20% |
Project Scalability Potential | Evidence that the solution can generate measurable impact and scale beyond the pilot. | 20% |
Innovation and Differentiation | Clear articulation of what makes the solution unique and competitive. | 20% |
Execution Readiness & Team Capacity | Demonstrated ability of the team to implement the pilot effectively. | 20% |
Project Social Impact | Potential to improve community well-being and sustainability. | 20% |
Final Weighted Score Calculation:
Final Score = ∑ (Criterion Score × Weight)
The 3 highest-scoring startups will be selected as finalists for the last phase of the Contest.
3.1 Evaluation Criteria and Weighting for the Final Jury
Criterion | Description | Weight (%) |
Pilot Implementation Plan & Feasibility | Clarity and feasibility of the proposed pilot in Matosinhos. | 25% |
Business Plan & Strategic Execution | Ability to design and execute a structured plan for implementation, outlining clear goals, milestones, and risk management strategies. | 25% |
Execution Readiness & Team Capacity | Demonstrated ability of the team to implement the pilot effectively. | 25% |
Project Social Impact | Contribution to community sustainability and environmental impact. | 25% |
Final Weighted Score Calculation:
Final Score = ∑ (Criterion Score × Weight)
The highest-scoring startup will be awarded 1st place, followed by the 2nd and 3rd places.